Mark Andy Announces New Class Of Servo-Driven Label Printing Presses

Mark Andy Announces New Class Of Fully Servo-Driven Presses

Designed to optimise single-pass pressure sensitive label printing, the PRO Series delivers extremely low operating costs with a proven print station design, built-in sMArt link production monitoring system, and distinct features that reduce operating costs and improve profit margins.

PRO Series embraces the award-winning attributes of the Mark Andy Performance Series with economics and efficiency in mind. This modular and flexible platform has been enhanced for pressure sensitive label applications and is available globally. PRO Series is CE certified.

PRO Series is configured and built to modernise the pressroom floor, driving efficiencies for shorter run work in larger operations and allowing small and medium label businesses to find a clear path to operational improvements. It is an easy-to-operate machine for both seasoned operators and new trainees.

From the ground up, PRO Series maximises waste savings and drastically reduces set-up/changeover times. Then, incorporating efficient energy reducing components with distinct configurations, PRO Series reveals an outstanding label print solution that delivers high quality products with a low total cost of ownership.

The modular series carries future value for adopters of the technology, as well. The system is designed and built as an upgradeable ‘flexo-to-hybrid’ solution. PRO Series has the ability to upgrade to a digital hybrid label press using Mark Andy Digital Pro MAX technology with the unique ability to run left to right to a right to left web path.


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