ECO3 Print Tools Improve Business’s Sustainability Initiatives

ECO3 Print Tools Improves Businesss Sustainability Initiatives

RPI Graphic Data Solutions is committed to responsible business practices, and ECO3 products offer RPI greater sustainability while improving production quality. The print team optimises technology to provide brands, agencies, and client vendors with remarkable output, flawless service, and a collaborative environment.

RPI Graphic Data Solutions is a sustainable, full-service printing and packaging manufacturer with expertise in helping brands connect with customers through innovative and engaging print. This Cincinnati company is known as The Easy Button for its ability to ensure that brands have a consistent, positive impact on the shelf while taking the chaos out of the production process.

For more than 50 years in the graphic arts industry, RPI has collaborated with Fortune 500, regional, and small business teams in delivering cost-effective, consistent and high-quality branded marketing materials, packaging pieces, retailer POP/POS, displays, inserts, and signage on time and budget.

When a large international toy account required that their printing jobs meet G7 standards, RPI enlisted ECO3’s comprehensive PressTune print standardisation tool to provide the data. PressTune guarantees colour consistency and ensures printing jobs meet G7, ISO, and client-specific criteria.

‘When we initially tested PressTune, we were ecstatic that the report proved we were within G7 specs and the system handled it automatically,’ explained Ken Rellar, owner of RPI. ‘This was our first client ever to require a colour management report, and we successfully obtained a smooth approval. Now we use PressTune’s scoring to analyse print runs. Should things go astray, our pressroom team can quickly and easily make a fix.’

PressTune is helping RPI be more efficient and productive while achieving more accurate, consistent colours, faster make-ready times, and lower ink consumption. By measuring colour reproduction against any identified standard and buyer requirements, PressTune’s pass-fail reporting process and scorecard system certifies that jobs are printed to specification. By monitoring up to 12 spot colours, PressTune guides operators to adjust the press to remain within tolerances when chemistry, paper, ink, and other variables change.

Careful sourcing led RPI to ECO3’s chemistry-free Adamas printing plate designed for packaging and commercial print manufacturing. This eco-friendly plate provides high press performance, sharp dot reproduction, and maximum throughput for sheetfed and heatset web printing with run lengths up to 350,000 copies.

RPI uses Adamas for a wide range of demanding packaging applications, including boxes, labels, wrappers, sleeves, and abrasive boards. Its selection of the Adamas plate and clean-out unit takes ecology to the next level by eliminating rinse water and replacing chemicals with a pH-neutral gumming solution. The process decreases waste by up to 80% compared to conventional systems while reducing disposal costs. As importantly, RPI is providing a safer work environment for employees.

‘Most of our clients score us on our CSR initiatives. Adamas cuts our water bill in half, which is a huge deal in Cincinnati. We’re saving more than 140,000 gallons of water annually. That’s like seven swimming pools. From my perspective, the plate hits it out of the park. Adamas, PressTune, and SPIR@L screening help us differentiate as environmentally responsible print manufacturers,’ said RPI owner, Ken Rellar.

The addition of SPIR@L screening allows the RPI pressroom team to replace the traditional ink dot with more efficient shapes, such as spirals, using less ink to fill in the same area. The environmental benefits include faster drying and less energy use, all while increasing productivity. By holding a 1-99% dot with less ink, colours are vibrant, image slur is reduced, and prints are crystal clear.

‘We have a cleaner look with SPIR@L. Images are crisp. They snap. When you walk by a press sheet, you think, ‘Wow! That looks good.’ For us printers, we know the human eye likes contrast. The SPIR@L dot lends more separation, and the white comes through, helping images stand out,’ said Rellar.

ECO3 South Africa
+27 11 921 4650

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