Enfocus Partners With IQ


Enfocus has partnered with print MIS provider IQ to fill a critical gap in the automation between prepress production and MIS. IQ provides its customers with an out-of-the-box solution that streamlines their print production workflows using Enfocus Switch, PitStop Server and various other PDF solutions.

PrintIQ, a 100% web-based print management system, integrates seamlessly with Enfocus Switch and Enfocus PitStop Server using the IQconnect Enfocus Switch Module. This module increases the level of functionality and flexibility required to automate critical workflows. printIQ enables simplified estimating, easy outsourcing, tablet-based factory management and integrated inventory. The job management tools, within printIQ are unique, being designed for the digital space, and providing a paperless workflow working off real time data.

IQ Director and Product Development Manager Mick Rowan explained, ‘A gap has always existed in the market between the traditional MIS and the prepress workflow. Our aim was to combine our own product with the best preflight and workflow automation tools on the market, to realise the key quest to automate to the press and provide a lights-out workflow.

‘Partnering with Enfocus offers printIQ customers a revolutionary change in workflow. One size certainly doesn’t fit all. The market is dynamic and changes continuously, demanding more flexibility from customers to adapt their production processes to the new needs. Now, with Enfocus Switch automation and PitStop Server PDF preflight and correction integration being offered through the IQconnect – Enfocus Switch Module, we have been able to extend our capabilities even further to a solution that can quickly and easily adapt to these changes.’

IQconnect uses Enfocus Switch to automate repetitive tasks and reduces the number of touch points, while using PitStop Server to automatically verify PDF files and correct them when needed. Preflight reports are generated and available within printIQ to inform staff about any issues which impact the quality of the printed result, or which will cause production issues downstream. IQconnect also automates the delivery of proofs, the imposition, and management, of print queues.

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