Caxton CTP Places Environment First


There is a global shift towards going paperless in an effort to save the environment, and a number of companies have been quick to join the bandwagon. However, there is a lack of statistical information and research that shows that going paperless is in fact better for the environment. And while cellphones and laptops might reduce paper waste, they’re not quite green enough to plant and fertilise our soil.

Caxton CTP has taken steps to ensure that all elements of their print production do not negatively affect the environment. By partnering with international and local suppliers that are globally compliant, Caxton stands firm in their assertion that they have the environment’s best interests in mind.

Caxton’s network of paper product suppliers are certified practitioners who source their paper from plantations and controlled environments. This ensures that the proper procedures have been followed in procuring the materials as well as in handling and managing by-products and wastage.

There are systems in place to handle the by-products and water usage involved in the entire process from plantation to print. Through Caxton’s deliberate and strategic partnerships with their suppliers, by-products are re-used and invested in other industries. For example, boiler ash is used as raw materials, and pith is used as soil enhancer by farmers.

In addition to users recycling paper materials in their homes, such as newspapers and boxes, Caxton’s paper suppliers have made an effort to ensure that what they take out is put back through reforestation and replanting. ‘The demand for paper in turn creates a demand for forests, which have both environmental and economical benefits,’ said Jaco Koekemoer, MD of Local Media and Coldset Printing.


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