Goss Receives 2014 InterTech Technology Award


Goss has again been named among the recipients of a prestigious InterTech Technology Award in 2014. This latest distinction marks the company’s first major award for innovation in the packaging sector.

Peter Walczak, Goss International director of product management for packaging presses said, ‘This award is particularly gratifying as it establishes Goss as a true innovator in providing a new print platform for the various packaging print sectors as well as in our more traditional sectors. It also formally acknowledges successful application in the field with user evidence that supports the value proposition.’

To be considered for a Printing Industries of America InterTech Technology Award, a technology must be: commercially available in the marketplace, beyond beta testing and proven in industrial/commercial applications. The Goss Sunday Vpak series of presses was commended by judges for bringing ‘full litho benefits to packaging’. The panel commented that Vpak technology presents converters with ‘a new alternative to exploit the print quality, productivity and lower image cost of the web offset process, especially for shorter-run or segmented folding carton, flexible packaging and label jobs’.

Key differentiators of Vpak presses acknowledged through the Award include:
• Wide web and variable repeat. The application of Goss patented gapless blankets to the Vpak platform, along with the development of quick-change plate and blanket sleeves and a new purpose-designed ink train, has created the widest (up to 1905mm/75 inches) and most productive web offset packaging press option currently available with an infinitely variable repeat range.
• ‘White Light’ Blanket Layer. Goss-designed blanket sleeves include a ‘white light’ layer below the exterior layer that allow blanket sleeves with varying external circumference (repeat) sizes to be used with a single, common blanket adapter sleeve. This means that the repeat size can have a range of approximately 38.1mm (1.5 inches) which can be achieved with a single set of blanket adapter sleeves, reducing the cost of size changes significantly and providing a dramatic ROI advantage for the end user if they choose to use this approach.
• Advanced Goss closed-loop tension control. Using proprietary web transport research and predictive modelling developed over decades of leadership, Goss has integrated advanced tension control within the Vpak presses. Servo-driven motors, minimal web couple inertia and closed-loop monitoring and control combine to ensure stable web dynamics and high print quality for a full range of film and paper/board packaging substrates, from 36 gauge film to 30 point board.

The announcement of the award follows closely on the launch of the Goss Packaging Technology Centre at its headquarters in Durham, New Hampshire (USA). The Vpak 500 press system in operation at the Centre has seven web offset units as well as EB and UV curing and flexo coating capabilities offering press demonstration, testing and training sessions for customers and prospects in the Americas, Europe and Asia. It is also designed as a controlled site for suppliers interested in testing inks, chemicals and auxiliary technologies for web offset production.

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