CreaseStream Announces Improved Card Creaser Deluxe


The Card Creaser Deluxe creasing machine is fitted with two creasing tools to allow customers to apply one or two creases in a single pass, and doing so up to six times faster than conventional hand or foot powered creasers. The machine now features new tools for improved creasing results.

The first, and possibly most important change, is to the machine’s creasing tools themselves. They now contain the same advanced technology of the creasing tools in CreaseStream’s mini range, meaning both the male and female elements of the tools have interchangeable colour coordinated parts. Not only will this improve the creasing results, but this makes using the machine a more user-friendly experience, particularly for those with less print knowledge.

The Card Creaser Deluxe now also comes with a Video Card Instruction Guide, again in the same way as the mini machines. This makes what was a simple machine even simpler with the addition of a step by step video assistant that works straight out of the box. The machine is ideal for samples, low volume and short run creasing work.

The product makes it possible to manually hand wind up to two creases simultaneously. The innovative creasing technology used in the CreaseStream Card Creaser Deluxe will produce excellent quality creasing that eliminates fibre cracking. It does this by making use of softer and patented creasing devices that gently manipulate and prepare the area of stock so that cracking does not occur during the folding stage, giving users the flexibility to produce either 4pp or 6pp book covers, greetings cards, menus, leaflets and brochures.

The improved Card Creaser Deluxe and other CreaseStream products are available through Advanced Technology Solutions, which also provides other solutions that eliminate fibre cracking, such as the Techni-fold Tri-Creaser Fast-Fit.

ATS – Advanced Technology Solutions (+27 11) 675 6397

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